2022 BBB South Central Regional
Chapter History E-Book Awards
(Electronic Scrapbooks)
April 1 Deadline
If your chapter is interested in submitting an electron scrapbook this year, submit your chapter's E-Book below. To be considered for an Outstanding Chapter Award, submissions must be received at the start of the Regional Convention on Friday, April 1 by 11:00 PM CST.
Upload your chapter's E-Book in PowerPoint or .pdf formats using the online form below. The Chapter History E-Book criteria can be found at the following link: https://www.tribeta.org/chapter-history-e-book-award.
Upload your chapter's E-Book in PowerPoint or .pdf formats using the online form below. The Chapter History E-Book criteria can be found at the following link: https://www.tribeta.org/chapter-history-e-book-award.