Chapter History Award
The Chapter History Award's purpose is three-fold: To encourage all chapters to keep an accurate record of programs and activities; to encourage all chapters to receive publicity for their work; to encourage all chapters to develop a continuous historical record.
Any TriBeta Chapter historian may submit a chapter history book to either a district convention or a biennial national convention. Materials may be purchased, but the completed book must be the work of chapter members.
For the district convention the record of activities usually covers the period of one year since the last district convention but, the record of activities for the biennial convention the chapter should cover the period of two years since the last biennial convention, however highlights of chapter history and special events may go back to the chapter beginning.
Judging shall be by a committee selected by the Executive Committee.
Any TriBeta Chapter historian may submit a chapter history book to either a district convention or a biennial national convention. Materials may be purchased, but the completed book must be the work of chapter members.
For the district convention the record of activities usually covers the period of one year since the last district convention but, the record of activities for the biennial convention the chapter should cover the period of two years since the last biennial convention, however highlights of chapter history and special events may go back to the chapter beginning.
- The history must contain at least the following:
- Greek name, college or university affiliation, region and location of the chapter.
- A table of contents
- A list of all members, divided by membership category, for the current year.
- A list of charter members.
- Photographs, programs, newspaper clippings, written material and sketches may also be included.
Judging shall be by a committee selected by the Executive Committee.